Do you want to know more about this topic and how we may be able to assist you? Please contact Bruno Tideman or mr. Emile ten Berge.
Our insolvency specialists not only advise companies in dire straits. Our team's knowledge of and experience with reorganisations and turnarounds is also very useful when restructuring is required for other reasons, such as expansion of activities or entry or exit of a shareholder or financier. Together with our other specialists, we can handle any complex issue, whether the focus is on collective redundancies, financing or refinancing, private funding or a full or partial merger or acquisition. Where necessary, we cooperate with accountants and other financial specialists, valuation experts and civil-law notaries.
If it does come down to reorganisation because of financial difficulties, we can advise you on whether it would be better to opt for a suspension of payments, file for bankruptcy or apply for a statutory debt settlement (WHOA). We map out the positions of directors and shareholders and can supervise a restart. With our knowledge and experience, we can also advise or assist directors if a dispute with an insolvency practitioner arises or threatens to arise.
Do you want to know more about this topic and how we may be able to assist you? Please contact Bruno Tideman or mr. Emile ten Berge.
Den Haag branch
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 25A
2593 BJ Den Haag
Postbox 80504
2508 GM Den Haag
Phone: 088 - 336 88 00
Naaldwijk branch
Tiendweg 14
2671 SB Naaldwijk
Postbox 399
2670 AK Naaldwijk
Phone: 088 - 336 88 00