Whether it is the construction of a single house, an office complex, a transshipment terminal or a greenhouse, a civil engineering or other infrastructure project or the installation of field heating, the installations in a data centre, an airport or a laboratory: within our team we have gained a wealth of experience and knowledge in advising on such projects. Topics we deal with include:
We also have the necessary expertise in the field of procurement law. We assist both clients and tenderers. Examples include drafting and assessing selection and award guidelines, formulating summaries of additional information and changes or questions on behalf of a tenderer, conducting interim injunction proceedings or proceedings before the Committee of Tender Experts.
Do you want to know more about this topic and how we may be able to assist you? Please contact John Dullaart.
Den Haag branch
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 25A
2593 BJ Den Haag
Postbox 80504
2508 GM Den Haag
Phone: 088 - 336 88 00
Naaldwijk branch
Tiendweg 14
2671 SB Naaldwijk
Postbox 399
2670 AK Naaldwijk
Phone: 088 - 336 88 00