In the coming weeks, a blue envelope will be delivered to 35,000 companies. They have a significant payment arrears with their corona reimbursement scheme. Their arrangement will therefore be withdrawn as of August 15th. On August 29, they must pay their entire debt at once. Is your company among these? Below you can read what you can do.
If there are still options to catch up on your arrears, you would be wise to let the tax authorities know and pay the arrears before August 15.
Then contact a financial or legal advisor for advice as soon as possible. For example, to investigate the possibilities of a (partial) remission or a creditor’s agreement. The condition is that your company continues to meet its regular declaration and payment obligations from that moment on.
Then contact a financial or legal advisor for advice as soon as possible. If your company is not viable, the options of a soft landing or a restart can be explored.
Doing nothing is extremely unwise, because then your company will be placed at the top of the pile and an injunction will follow, with all the consequences that entails. So always contact the tax collector or ask an advisor to do so.
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