General information about Cees Advocaten and/or legal or other topics is provided on the website of Cees Advocaten, but also in, for example, blogs and newsletters. Any information concerning legal topics is not intended to provide legal advice for actual situations. We have compiled this information with care, but cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Cees Advocaten accepts no liability whatsoever for the incorrectness and incompleteness of the information provided, nor for damage (in any form whatsoever) caused directly or indirectly by the use of such information. References on the site to other sites and external sources that are not maintained by us are included solely for the information of the visitor. Cees Advocaten bears no responsibility for the accuracy or any other aspect of the information contained on those websites, nor does it endorse or approve the content of those websites. The recipient/user of the information referred to here is not permitted to reproduce, distribute or disseminate it or make it available to third parties for remuneration without the express written consent of Cees Advocaten.
Den Haag branch
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 25A
2593 BJ Den Haag
Postbox 80504
2508 GM Den Haag
Phone: 088 - 336 88 00
Naaldwijk branch
Tiendweg 14
2671 SB Naaldwijk
Postbox 399
2670 AK Naaldwijk
Phone: 088 - 336 88 00